I found my apartment and sold my used furniture from Craigslist. I bought and sold my books on amazon.com, and I printed out the direction from google map. I uploaded my videos to Toutube. How the web 2.0 affect our life ? Why we spend more and more time to face our computers and get online ? We use wiki to share knowledge and information online. We use iGoogle to arrange the sites. It's "participation" , "resources" ," Tools" .......
We can look at those customer reviews while we're going to buy something from amazon.com and find the best deal. We also can link to library data through the site.
A lot of things are connected together from site to site. From this presentation, I learn more other web tools that I didn't know before.
Viddler: can also use for uploading our videos.
AJAX : javascript
37signals.com :web 2.0 tools
Feedburner : manage RSS
Marumushi.com :scan news
Thinkvitamin.com :resource for ajax
Presentation Zen : online presentation tool
Smashing magazine : a tool for web-developers and designers.
Now we can have many online tools to help us to manage our knowledge and data.